For the wise man, everyday is a festival”


The few that know me personally call me Dominic but others call me TYDN pronounced Tie-Den. I am a Cali-born Texas-raised Florida-Native who refuses to be put in a box. Even though my genre of choice is dance I come from a hip-hop background but I am in no way shape or form another ex hip-hop producer turned EDM. Dance music to me is more than a simple 4/4 to the floor rhythm or builds and breaks.  It's a culture, a way of life, a state of being. I'm here not to take from music but to give my passion to it. With that said welcome to my world! "Carpe Noctem"

As a kid music has always been instilled in me. I was the kid who couldn't remember if I came before E but i never had an issue remembering a chorus or creating a melody. Even then i didn't recognize my gift for music until high school when I fractured my ankle playing basketball, that was the beginning. Now fast forwarding years later I am at the point to where the stars starting to align. I have had some pretty cool highlights even getting an opportunity to work with a grammy award wining producer but things are different now. My presence is growing and me and Philly Grandz (I will tell you about him later) are lazer focused because opportunity comes once in a lifetime. I made a promise to never "Mail it in" meaning i will give you my best work at all times  and that's what sets TYDN apart from the rest!

The music industry as we know it is tough and it is changing. Everything has become more digital and less physical. It has been an adjustment but I have an incredible team and support system behind me which makes this journey that much easier. I, TYDN have a lot in store for my listeners and fans and I plan on touching the hearts of the world one song... one person at a time. Make sure you sign up to my mailing list so you can get all the updates on TYDN first and don't hesitate to send me a message!